Legendary Hat wrote:I'm sorry Andi, but this is fucking ridiculous. It's been MONTHS since the last update, which was as simple as new equipment back in MARCH. It's now September. I don't give a **** what you're working on, it's complete bullshit to essentially abandon this game for so long with no attempts at doing anything to stabilize or enhance the CW experience since the reset. Clearly your response to people who feel the way I do is "don't like it? leave" because that's exactly what has happened to well over half of the community we once cherished here. The community was everything in this game, but the giant middle finger that has been given to us basically since Orsm took over is a very telling sign that you guys don't care about us at all (I understand Lyn didn't give a **** about us other then our money either, but he at least RAN this site and didn't leave it at a stand still) and simply are trying to make your 5 bucks a month off the idiots that still dish it out.
If you're incapable of/too busy to be running a site, which your track record would indicate you are, sell it to someone who can run a site. I realize this comment will be ignored or deleted, and that only further proves my point that this game management is horrendous and this game will never turn around
what this bastard said, tho its october now