Hello all,
Next week I'll update some of the server software. This prevented me from releasing the latest changes as they are incompatible with the current version of installed software. It shouldn't be offline for more than an hour or two -so if you'll find it offline don't panic.
The first series of updates consists in a lot of holes fixed and rewritten code that will allow development of new features - mostly without visual and gameplay impact. The challenges as they are today will be removed and there are another ones in work. I will try to strip all the worthless features to clean up the code with improving the gameplay and then adding new more interesting features. I find it wrong to add even more features along the broken gameplay with features added as they come without making them gameplay more integrated and fun. Also if you find any more vulnerabilities, please mail them to me and not try to *prove* them - this way I won't waste a lot of precious time trying to undo the damage and find the vulnerabilities on my own. More used exploits means less fun updates. This game needs a major overhaul as advertisements proved to have almost zero return of investment.
I'm looking for your suggestions on what should be removed, improved and added.
Thank you for your support,