An idea for the districts

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An idea for the districts

Postby Myckaal on Fri, 19 Mar 2010 08:30:45 +0000

I start this post knowing that no one's gonna like it. But before you post, try to think of the overall, long-term affect of the idea ....

Please, allow me be the first to suggest that the districts should come with a price. Perhaps a penalty to owning different ones.
Yes, the University does give you +50 IQ. But it also has a daily upkeep of (toss variable integer here). Or it gives you a -3% to your Hard Drive. Spending a lot of time studying can lead to improper exercise, right all you out of shape cybergeeks? Or maybe the Downtown district gives you a firewall bonus, but it also gives you a -3% to your CPU. Tougher, but just a tad slower for it.

Can you see where I'm going with this?

Or maybe creating new districts later on. With a little shifting and rearranging of different links in the city, you could create more districts, in a sense, creating a larger "city. The only thing that would really need to change would be the arrangement and position on the screen of the links. With more gangs, eventually there may be a desire for more districts .....

Just tossing it out there before it swims away into my swiss-cheese memory ....
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Re: An idea for the districts

Postby [OSX]-Luffy- on Fri, 19 Mar 2010 09:15:52 +0000

+1 to both of your ideas myck, the penalty and the more districts
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Re: An idea for the districts

Postby Andi on Fri, 19 Mar 2010 13:40:05 +0000

more districts maybe later when there are more (powerful) gangs.
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Re: An idea for the districts

Postby Rusty on Fri, 19 Mar 2010 23:30:42 +0000

I see no reason to have a disadvantage from owning a district. It adds nothing to the game or any game play strategy, apart from decreasing the benefits slightly. In short, what's the point of it?
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Re: An idea for the districts

Postby Ozy {DD} on Fri, 19 Mar 2010 23:42:02 +0000

The upkeep of a district already exist => Gang Upgrade ..
Otherwise you will lose it !

More Districts are a +

I would add to your suggestion:

    - that a big gang (30+ members) could have 2 daily attacks iso 1
    - You can't hold 1 District for more then 6 days in a row, then you need to wait 1 day before reclaiming it
    - A dead Guardian would be worth half his stats instead of full stats (if it's the case now, like Gate says)

:ugeek: zy
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Re: An idea for the districts

Postby Myckaal on Sat, 20 Mar 2010 08:40:43 +0000

The point is balance, Rusty. I'm not talking about a completely contradictory penalty, I just meant that aside from defending it from other gangs trying to take it, there's only positives to owning one, so of course everyone wants them. I think it would add another layer of consideration to even holding one, if there's a kind of fee for holding it.

All of my ideas tend to walk with the perspective of this as a role playing game, rather than just a who's got more points than who game. And I try to suggest things that would make the role-playing more 'realistic,' or at the least, fun. If a gang were to control an area in the real world, there would have to be some sort of near constant activity to keep it in their control. Rivals to defend against, of course, but also cops to be paid off, officials to be bribed into turning the other way in the downtown areas, various wheels to be greased. But not in this city. Seeing how wrecked it is from the computer apocalypse, it makes sense that there would be no downside to controlling a few neighborhoods, huh? Just good stuff.
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Re: An idea for the districts

Postby Rusty on Sat, 20 Mar 2010 23:41:12 +0000

[OSX] Myckaal wrote:The point is balance, Rusty. I'm not talking about a completely contradictory penalty, I just meant that aside from defending it from other gangs trying to take it, there's only positives to owning one, so of course everyone wants them. I think it would add another layer of consideration to even holding one, if there's a kind of fee for holding it.

Ozy echos my sentiment entirely by
Ozy {DD} wrote:The upkeep of a district already exist => Gang Upgrade ..
Otherwise you will lose it !

[OSX] Myckaal wrote:Seeing how wrecked it is from the computer apocalypse, it makes sense that there would be no downside to controlling a few neighbourhoods, huh? Just good stuff.

That's the way I see it, else it isn't a reward. People would never think about the consequences of negative effects, they would still always go for the best one. Possibly if some were more powerful in some ways and less in others (ie the +50IQ had -5% BUS, But the +5% RAM one had none) it might make sense, as some of the rewards are asymmetrical. However, I even agree with the asymmetrical nature of the districts system so I still wouldn't support it :P
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