[OSX]PineSol wrote:Nominating yourself. Priceless.
Get rid of CM's.
Agree with the first, disagree with the 2nd.
Chat mods are good for keeping the peace. There is a lot of merit in making new ones, but I don't see the old ones abusing power so I don't see why they should be removed.
[OSX] Myckaal wrote:Have one in -5 GMT, -9 GMT, +1GMT, and +9 GMT. That way, they're spread out and it's more likely to have them on at different times, rather than all at once.
Judging from the
CW map, it seems that most players are in the US, with a few in Europe and some further afield. 1 on the west coast of the US, 1 on the east cost, 1 in Europe/Africa and 1 in Asia/Oz timezones will do (not sure on the exact times of these zone
). We do definitely need 2 to cover different US times and 1 to cover GMTish times though, since that's where 90% of players appear to be.
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