Major increase in job failures lately!

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Major increase in job failures lately!

Postby [7s] Twidget on Sun, 14 Feb 2010 23:48:34 +0000

I've noticed a sharp increase in the amount of occurrences of "You have failed your job. You gained no skill, and it still cost you 5 intent." over the last few days. I'm still doing the same job (job 5) that I've been doing for a couple weeks, and ever since I got to around 60%-65% advertised success rate, I keep failing more and more. I'm finally up to a 70% maximum advertised success rate, and I only succeed 1 in 5 times, or less. That's a 20% success rate, for the mathematically disinclined. Usually about the only time I'll succeed is when I've got a full 25 intent bar to use, and I'll get 1 success out of 5 attempts. Over the course of the entire day I might get one more success. The rest are all failures.

Please investigate this, don't just blow it off, like usual.

And a small rant: It's bad enough that the success rate is now capped at 80%. With 70% on job 5, it shows a possible of 24% on job 6, which is a total waste. Job 7 shows 17%, and that might get high enough to be worth trying in another 6 months or so. Jobs 8 and 9 are totally useless. The noob job and jobs 1&2 are all 3 of the same damn thing. All of the jobs are completely disproportionate to each other, especially now with the max 80% cap. If this cap is here to stay, it would be good to have the job scales reworked for intent cost, success rate, and skill payout. As it stands now, it's a damned joke.
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Re: Major increase in job failures lately!

Postby ShockRide on Sun, 14 Feb 2010 23:50:22 +0000

Its Blanzian
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Re: Major increase in job failures lately!

Postby Void is a BIG FAGGOT on Sun, 14 Feb 2010 23:51:38 +0000


The members of CW are struggling as Blanzian continues to spread. Admins are not looking for a cure!
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Re: Major increase in job failures lately!

Postby EVO|BLACK574|2 on Sun, 14 Feb 2010 23:52:26 +0000

Blanz is the mastermind behind all this? I say we mass hack his batle url.
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Re: Major increase in job failures lately!

Postby Myckaal on Sun, 14 Feb 2010 23:53:39 +0000

Here's an idea that'll never get taken seriously .....

Copy the 'jobs' section of the code from OTCW and paste it here. Modify it, if you must, so that it fits your 'vision of the future' and see if that helps.

It's not like you could really make the jobs worse, right? Unless you just removed it entirely, I mean
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Re: Major increase in job failures lately!

Postby Diseased Violence on Sun, 14 Feb 2010 23:55:43 +0000

Whining...! Just be glad you have a job, it doesn't cost a shit and you get free stat boost from it. Orsm could easy take it away.
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Re: Major increase in job failures lately!

Postby Rusty on Mon, 15 Feb 2010 00:20:08 +0000

Could be Blanzian. Someone should probably check it out though...
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