Phildo [7s77s7s7s7s7s] wrote:For the luls?
Pretty much.
PaPPy wrote:he wants to hit the post whore totals
Already there, Pappy. Already there
Ozy {DD} wrote:Pure POWER ABUSE with his LEGAL SPAM
What power? Everyone has the power to create legal spam
Then again, I do make the rules on what spam is... XD
However, as a counter question, why DON'T YOU post in every topic that exists?
Also note that there are 23 posts with no replies, so I don't post in absolutely every one
Annoyed that I locked your thread? Have I unfairly deleted your post? If you are sure that you didn't just forget to push the submit button, please see
my rules to check you didn't break any of them! If you are still unhappy, please
mail me (I like mail
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