The newest version of Cyber-Wars is underway. Allow me to introduce myself, I am Smuggs or some of you may know me as Asuke or Chaos. I have taken the privilege of writing the news in Hat's permanent absence.
So who would've thought CW would get reset? Truth is most people thought this would be the end of CW. After orsm's announcement of the changes even more people thought NCW would utterly fail. I believe this version of CW was much worth the wait. As we are on day 7 of NCW the game looks very strong indeed. With the new added market system which has a penalty in place for listing an item for more than the average price, the economy seems to be steady. NCW now flows more smoothly this time around. The 5 minute and hour resets don't lag at all really. There have been talks of the economy basically going to crap after the arrival of the ability to sell Donator Days tomorrow is released. Noone can really say what is going to happen but with the new market system and the average price set for donator days at 500k CDS, we could assume that everything will be ok. I'll have more news on this topic in the next edition.
Skip has told me that multis are pretty much non-existent as of now. He's only jailed a few people. As of this second 8 users are jailed and 5 of those are indeed multis. The CW community is reaching just over 500 people and still growing daily. This means the game is indeed growing. We are averaging around 40-50 players online at all hours of the day, and there does seem to be a noticeable difference in hackers/netguards ratios. I see more hackers on than netguards quite a bit. This doesn't say much this early in the game but i would imagine hackers winning the weekly wars for quite a bit.
In other news, the new equipment is working out great. I'll remind everyone that they can now sell their equipment via the sell button at the button of the equipment screen. There is sure to be more equipment coming as the game continues to grow so that's something to look out for. We are getting closer to people getting their first intent boosts which is definitely the hardest, and now Isee that gate was the first to reach level 50, gratz for him. I hope everyone has a nice holiday the next edition will most likely be out the day after Christmas if all goes well. Please leave comments down below, have a nice holiday.