A. Love the idea!
B. How does it work?
C. Is it coincidence that the average price for webs is the same for that of DDs, or is there a bug in there somewhere?
Edit: Just started typing in boxes and found out there was a penalty for selling more than the average.
A. Love you EVEN MORE admins!
B. How does it work?
Edit2: Ah, found a big mathematical/logic bug with it (would have posted in the bugs forum, but had already made this one )
As the % penalty is exactly equal to the % above the market price, the maximum amount of profit you make on an EC is the average price, seeing as any more than that is taken away in penalty.
On top of this, you are charged a flat % based on your price.
Thus, if you sell an EC for a higher price than the average price, you make no profit on the average price PLUS you get a HIGHER amount of tax, and therefore GET LESS MONEY THAN IF YOU HAD SOLD FOR THE AVERAGE PRICE.
Therefore no one will sell for more than the average price. However, people will sell for lower than the average price, so the average price will only ever go down!
One way to solve this is make the penalty proportional (instead of equal) to the profit e.g. half the current penalty rate. Otherwise, enjoy your deflation
(note that I still love the concept, just the figures are wrong)