Fastest Way to Raise IQ?

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Fastest Way to Raise IQ?

Postby Timothy on Sun, 07 Mar 2010 20:21:01 +0000

Im wondering about the fastest way to raise your IQ to the max. I know the daily 5 hacks are a necessity but is it worth studying to raise it or could the energy be put to better use (in the way of raising IQ).
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Re: Fastest Way to Raise IQ?

Postby Diseased Violence on Sun, 07 Mar 2010 20:24:49 +0000

Donate real cash for Donator Days, sell and Buy Ec's and train your IQ.
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Re: Fastest Way to Raise IQ?

Postby Rusty on Sun, 07 Mar 2010 20:53:59 +0000

[OSX]Diseased Violence wrote:Donate real cash for Donator Days, sell and Buy Ec's and train your IQ.

Pretty much sums it up. There is an outside chance than when you get a large IQ it is better to train your BUS up, which will make your dailies more efficient and give you more left over energy to study with, but I doubt it and haven't had time to do the maths. The IQ stage is the most boring in CW, but if you stick through that the fun begins :P
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Re: Fastest Way to Raise IQ?

Postby Void is a BIG FAGGOT on Sun, 07 Mar 2010 21:24:27 +0000

First of all, I suggest you change your username.

Anyways.... IQ... the most boring thing on CW...

1. Get Donator Days. It helps a bunch because you get 2x energy and ability to make ECs.
2. Make sure to do your dailies.
3. Many people do their 600 team kills so they get bonus energy, which in turn can be used in the Study for IQ.
4. You can get 1000 Kills for 5 IQ... (Good Deal)
5. Join a gang. Gang war boosts help.

That is about it.

PS. Many players have been telling me that if you train hacking for first few months, then you train IQ, it is more beneficial, seeing that you can use Hacking Skill for better viruses and it can be used as a source of income.
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Re: Fastest Way to Raise IQ?

Postby Timothy on Sun, 07 Mar 2010 21:28:27 +0000

Fine, if it really offends people then i'll change my name.

Would you still suggest getting 1000 kills every week since my stats are particularly low?
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Re: Fastest Way to Raise IQ?

Postby Void is a BIG FAGGOT on Sun, 07 Mar 2010 21:56:13 +0000

You can easily get 200+ team kills in an hour. When you go to the hacking arena, select rank 300 to 1000, opposing team only, and you are good to go. You can beat 60% of CW... (Inactives)

For the first week, do 400 kills, then 600 kills, then 1000 kills... just to get in the habit.
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Re: Fastest Way to Raise IQ?

Postby Timothy on Wed, 10 Mar 2010 17:38:18 +0000

Does the game tell you when you gain 5 IQ from the kills?
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Re: Fastest Way to Raise IQ?

Postby Confuzzed on Wed, 10 Mar 2010 17:55:14 +0000

Yeah it tells you in your stats. But just remember that only happens on weekly reset according to the number of kills done. It is not an instant thing
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Re: Fastest Way to Raise IQ?

Postby Timothy on Wed, 10 Mar 2010 19:13:07 +0000

Didnt think i'd recieved it but i wasnt sure, thanks.
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