Pappy's grievances with Andi

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Pappy's grievances with Andi

Postby PaPPy on Tue, 12 Oct 2010 01:18:13 +0000

8 Oct 2010 UTC + 2

READ from bottom to top

Ozy {DD} (Private to 2) - 11:25:37
I guess it .. but a mail to the owner would have been nice .. I was looking in my counts for it ... before seeing PaPPy was deleted ... :(
Andi (Private) [PM] - 11:24:50
Ozy {DD} (Private to 2) - 11:23:54
and by the way, did you remove some cds and 5 ECS from our gang, when you deleted PaPPy ??

Ozy {DD} (Private to 2) - 11:20:08
but Ill let him know ..
Ozy {DD} (Private to 2) - 11:19:24
I dont
Andi (Private) [PM] - 11:19:15
take me
Andi - 11:19:10
*take me
Andi (Private) [PM] - 11:19:04
i dont believe that. dont take as stupid.
Andi (Private) [PM] - 11:18:46
doesnt work that way. when there was interest, the cds had a reason. but ecs not and either cds anymore.
Ozy {DD} (Private to 2) - 11:18:35
in hand you are more tempted to use them (sell or other -- )
Ozy {DD} (Private to 2) - 11:18:07
but its both way if its given to them when they need it most !
Andi (Private) [PM] - 11:17:57
huh? so if they keep ecs in hand they lose them or what?
Andi (Private) [PM] - 11:17:29
multis are considered too those players that all they do is create assets and all transactions are one way.
Ozy {DD} (Private to 2) - 11:17:21
the price of ECS will go up, so they will have it for later, when they need it !
Ozy {DD} (Private to 2) - 11:16:47
multi is only if its the same person ... so you cant use that excuse ...
Andi (Private) [PM] - 11:16:32
Andi (Private) [PM] - 11:16:22
how does it helps them by keeping ecs and dds within gang and not on them?

Ozy {DD} (Private to 2) - 11:15:24
but what players put in is for their own growth at the end !
Andi (Private) [PM] - 11:15:10
yeah, but not by having players that all they do is making ecs and donate to your gang. thats not the point of the game.
Ozy {DD} (Private to 2) - 11:14:08
we made a gang as a collectif of players to be able to help each other out !!
Ozy {DD} (Private to 2) - 11:13:27
and they arent good either !
Andi (Private) [PM] - 11:12:58
there are gang wars, for start.
Andi (Private) [PM] - 11:12:46
if there is no other reason then why did you made the gang? since its not profitable even if you keep those into monuments. that doesnt help you

Andi (Private) [PM] - 11:11:54
if that was the intention, then i could sum up the assets and post them as total.
Ozy {DD} (Private to 2) - 11:11:45
so why have a gang for ???
Andi (Private) [PM] - 11:11:35
that monument is for gang assets, not cumulated of all players.
Ozy {DD} (Private to 2) - 11:11:21 is our spreadsheet ..
Andi (Private) [PM] - 11:11:03
like i said there is no reason, and its used by multies for transfer. so this wont be exception.

Ozy {DD} (Private to 2) - 11:10:35
not if we want to keep a strong gang (monuments and all)
Ozy {DD} (Private to 2) - 11:10:11
why not ?
Andi (Private) [PM] - 11:10:08
everything is considerated donation.
Andi (Private) [PM] - 11:09:59
there is no reason to keep them within the gang.

Ozy {DD} (Private to 2) - 11:09:31
and ALL his donation is kept in gang under HIS name !!

Ozy {DD} (Private to 2) - 11:09:03
he is still playing, but not as often as before !!
Andi (Private) [PM] - 11:08:40
as well you.
Andi (Private) [PM] - 11:08:34
If Maggie continue donating to gang without actively playing he will be considered multi and gang deleted.


Also he deleted me, instead of jail me for something that could easily be fixed.

And of all my donations ($100) that I used to make EC's and donate to the gang for gang wars, got deleted.

Aoen has it out against people in DD. And obviously people donating to the game.

I offered my help when the game has getting destroyed by marky, I had contacted Aoen while he was on vacation. I also offered my help coding for free, but he refused it.

It's ridiculous that Marky never donates, and always gets jailed/unjailed for his shenanigans and I get deleted. And now it seems he is taking it out on our gang.

Aoen fix this and cut the shit!
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Re: Aoen's Shit Has to Stop!

Postby Andi on Tue, 12 Oct 2010 07:05:14 +0000

I guess you should stop playing as victim and helping Marky or whoever else. Helping them to motivate me to get you onboard, doesn't work. Also why I haven't deleted Marky is my business, not your. Maybe because I want to keep his IP history. This doesn't mean he'll get his account back. Neither does it mean that you're account isn't recoverable.

You exploited a vulnerability, that doesn't get covered even if you HAVE HAD donated, which didn't happenned.. at least since I got it, so you're free to move out.. I don't own you anything.
Also I don't need your help.

Why would I need the help of someone who used to threaten me hacking the game if I don't do what he wants?!

I will do what I can to improve it but I won't tolerate idiots like you, as well for those pushing the rules limits. Also some of you think that if you've been whatever what within Lyn's ownership I own you some rights or something.. Well, I don't care who you are. We respect each other and the collaboration will be best.

So whoever doesn't like CW as it is now, is free to go. When you're all gone, tell me so I can close the server.

-- Tue, 12 Oct 2010 07:17:29 +0000 --

I supposed that was a private converstion. Not that I had something to hide but it's about ethics. Some people don't have that...
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Re: Aoen's Shit Has to Stop!

Postby Puppet Master on Tue, 12 Oct 2010 07:32:38 +0000

Okay look take my whole idea of people together for the update thing. and then stop bitching becuase youd have soem representation. The game is up. So what shit aint good... It becuase people keep bitching and many other things that have been pointed out....MANY MANY TIMES....
Silence Is Golden, But Duct Tape Is Silver
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Re: Aoen's Shit Has to Stop!

Postby Ozy {DD} on Tue, 12 Oct 2010 08:22:53 +0000

Andi wrote:I supposed that was a private converstion

It is not Private when you accuse us of Cheating and Threaten us of deletion !!!

It is needed that ALL gang owners and players know your divergent way of seeing gangs!

Because if {DD} can't help their members, no other gang can either !

Nor can you help a selected few by buying their over priced dds in the market every day or so !!!
Ozy {DD}
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Re: Aoen's Shit Has to Stop!

Postby Andi on Tue, 12 Oct 2010 09:06:55 +0000

Not a "selected" few, but everyone who actually help CW to stay alive. Which, yes.. are very few.

Why should I buy your DDs since you got them for minimum price (if there wouldn't have been a minimum, you would have gotten them for 1 CD, I would bet on this) from Maggie and then he donates whatever he has to DD?
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Re: Aoen's Shit Has to Stop!

Postby Ozy {DD} on Tue, 12 Oct 2010 09:16:11 +0000

I don't need you to buy my dds, that's why I post them in small groups of 2, so other players can buy them !
But this Topic isn't about that ... so make your own topic if need be !

But ALL players have to know that you'd buy expensive dds, even HAT didn't know it !
Ozy {DD}
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Re: Aoen's Shit Has to Stop!

Postby PaPPy on Tue, 12 Oct 2010 14:28:12 +0000

I only "exploited it" because it was reported months ago. And was hoping to show that it needs to be fixed.

Also it was that bad, because all tickets can be tracked per person.

And it definitely didnt warrant removing all my funds from the game that I earned by selling ECs and DDays that I donated money to the game for.
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Re: Aoen's Shit Has to Stop!

Postby Carlton Lassiter on Tue, 12 Oct 2010 14:44:55 +0000

Yeah because you were completely innocent in my hacks of CW right PaPPy?

btw when all that money and ECs was given to everyone, it wasn't me and Trin swears blind it wasn't him. And I believe him, he would be in chat gloating about it. So that only leaves you as the other who knew about it.


Oh btw Andi my IP history is pretty much useless. I can just use TOR or Proxies ;)
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Re: Aoen's Shit Has to Stop!

Postby PaPPy on Tue, 12 Oct 2010 16:51:34 +0000

those logs were after you and trin hacked in...
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Re: Aoen's Shit Has to Stop!

Postby Carlton Lassiter on Tue, 12 Oct 2010 19:03:37 +0000

Yeah I have logs before we hacked in too if you really want.
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Re: Aoen's Shit Has to Stop!

Postby Andi on Tue, 12 Oct 2010 22:20:38 +0000

Carlton Lassiter wrote:Oh btw Andi my IP history is pretty much useless. I can just use TOR or Proxies ;)

I said maybe.

So, it seems that what I though based on my own evidences I was right.
Also this proves how pathetic PaPPy is.
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Re: Aoen's Shit Has to Stop!

Postby ShockRide on Wed, 13 Oct 2010 01:39:30 +0000

Just curious, but is this game still run as a business? or have the associated parties completely given up?

I was really upset with ORSM because I was talking to him about buying the game and he completely gave up.

Now we have an "owner" who insults his customers and sounds like he would just rather shut the whole thing down. I really want to believe that Andi is trying his best to save the game but this thread is making me think otherwise.
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Re: Aoen's Shit Has to Stop!

Postby Andi on Wed, 13 Oct 2010 07:07:17 +0000

I'm trying my best to save the game and I got anothe coder on board for this, but I won't tolerate those who disrupt the game play. And donating doesn't allow you to do that too. That's what I said. We repect each other until proven otherwise.

I don't get it, I should apologize to PaPPy?!
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Re: Aoen's Shit Has to Stop!

Postby theoneandonlyCire on Wed, 13 Oct 2010 10:39:26 +0000

No, with the evidence shown, Pappy has no right to be forgiven, and the anger is justified.

As for the gang situation, calling someone a multi because they're not able to be active enough to play, but are still active enough to keep their gang 'on top' is a bit silly. Even I have younger gang members who just started school (like myself), so we don't have as much time to play hardcore, but it's a LOT easier to click 'make ec' a few times then sign off, and do something with all those ECs later.

I agree with you against Pappy, and by the way Pap you suck, and I understand that what they're doing is technically breaking a rule, but then I see that that rule can have a lot of exceptions, and if there aren't, it's just trouble, so it shouldn't really be there in the first place.

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Re: Aoen's Shit Has to Stop!

Postby valtam on Wed, 13 Oct 2010 11:30:01 +0000

Why is nearly nobody noticing what Andi is saying in the actual conversation posted in the OP? It appears doing what DD did to dominate monuments before reset is now considered illegal and bannable? Threatening to delete the entire gang is absolutely ridiculous. A multi is when one person makes multiple accounts to fuel himself, not when one person stores his resources in the gang vault. The purpose you ask for, in storing EC's, websites, and money in the gang - and not on each individual - is for the monuments. Why is that reason inadequate? Why is topping the gang scorebards not incentive enough? Why is it your business to decide which way DD should play - the way DD has played since damn near the very dawn of CW?

No rules are broken, seems to me that you are inventing them as you go.

Oh, and as some personal advice; pay for some classes on public relations. I'm not saying this to piss you off - which I know it will anyway - but because you genuinely do need it by the looks of your replies in this post. You speak of respect, I advice you to read abit about humility and it's opposite. Maybe it will be enlightening.

Probably not.

Rest in peace, Dark Destiny. There is nothing left for us here any longer.
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