Owner : Pel - As Hat mentioned earlier, a loyal, hard working, good friend and so on.. He's just a great leader, even tho he let us run free doing what ever we wanted when in DoS i believe he still had some controll
Co : Roger - Someone said that every gang he has been in have been raising and i believe that it's true. It's kind of personal too, Roger tought me most of the game and I would like to thank again for all the knowledge.
Co : RBM - It's a one of a kind, a mean machine..I believe his attitude with his tag in front of his name gets the gang respect alone
RBM is also one of the reasons I am what I am.
So could say that this list is personal, could mention several others but they're just great....Roger raised me, RBM teached me how to **** with ppl and Pel let me and Hat have alot of fun in and with DoS members.
{EVO} JarKovus wrote:Owner: voodoo
Co: Confuzzed
co: Rusty
lol that's old V leadership?