I'm putting this out on the table to organize and to hopefully bring together several prospective buyers that could not otherwise purchase the Cyber-Wars site alone, or was rather put off with the negotiable price of $25k USD.
It will be run exactly like a business, not a hobby. Interested parties can put up any amount in multiples of $250 USD. Each $250 USD you initially put up will earn you one (1) voting share. First order of business will be to assign board member seats. Each voting share is allowed to vote for their person of choice exactly once. (eg. You put up $500 USD. You have two voting shares, and you are able to vote for a specific board member twice, or once each for two different board members.) A tally of who paid what and how much will be kept in this post.
All money transactions will be handled through a Paypal account set up for this specific purpose. If you have an issue with doing so, money orders will also be accepted. No personal checks, credit cards or cash, please.
In regards to who would be shown as an "admin", only the board of directors will be displayed in yellow. The number of BoDs will depend on how many persons contribute to the investment.
I need a show of hands from those who potentially want to join the CWPC, and how much you are willing to put up. At the moment you are under no obligation, and no contract will be formed. If you decide later on to not join the CWPC, you are able to opt out by simply editing your post here stating you don't want to commit. Do NOT delete your original post. By posting below, you agree to be contacted at any time through CW mail. Of course, this thread will be prone to persons that laugh heartily at this idea, or will post absurd numbers below $250 USD such as $1 or $0.01 or 200,000,000 CDs, and I tell you to politely go away. This isn't a joke, it's a proposal. If you do happen to joke around, I will have Rusty or another forum moderator kindly remove your offending post.
I figure if I can get 20 people to put up $250 or 10 people to put up $500, we'll be able to get the ball rolling with a small, reasonable bargaining chip.
EDIT: Shock has informed me that it's inadvisable to discuss this in front of Orsm. Stay tuned for details on further workings.
Disclaimer: I, "Toast", will only represent the group as its president for the time being until a:the organization has organized, and b:until a new president is voted in. Profitability is not, and never will be, guaranteed. Legal aid is recommended should you decide to proceed with the investment, but is not required as of this posting. Accounting aid is provided through myself, "Toast", and other current CW members including, but not limited to, "Mark", and the player formerly known as "Deek".