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Quick News

PostPosted: Fri, 22 Oct 2010 21:29:14 +0000
by Insane |GATE| Dwarf
Okay this is kind of like your quick 60 seconds of news, except lets go with 200 words or less.

As many of you seem aware, yes Smuggs is no longer admin. Yes he is also jailed, no doubt many of you are wondering why our latest admin has fallen out of favour so dramatically.
Well the answer from Andi is this: Smuggs kept demanding from Andi direct access to the live server (the one we are on right now!) despite having full unbridled access to the development server, where he would change code and then that would be ported through by Andi. Also Smuggs lust for control did not stop there, as it was also complete and utter control of development he wanted, with the title 'head development manager' so Andi would be taking the back seat in things.
Just to clear up any confussion.

On a side note: Congratulations to Myck for getting into the top10 and also in slight bias HUNG for topping the gang monuments for richest gang cash

Signing out,

Re: Quick News

PostPosted: Sat, 23 Oct 2010 07:32:21 +0000
by Diseased Violence
What about one or all three of you guys write some news, as you're news reporters.