~NCW News 2/28/10~

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~NCW News 2/28/10~

Postby TeddyMiru on Mon, 01 Mar 2010 00:40:19 +0000

Sooooooo....it's been a month here is CW. Annnnnnd well not a lot has been going on lately. Rumors are some are reaching the cap IQ of 500, that's quite awesome. This means we should have a big increase in points this point forward.

Most people are commenting on how Rusty is over doing it. To be honest I kindof agree but then again none of us asked to be forum moderators on the staff page it just happened. Speaking of the staff page there is now an application system taking place. This is the first time this has ever happened in CW history so you might just wanna get into it. I'm not really too sure where orsm is going with this because I think it will end up to be a popularity contest, because of all the ego reeking in the forum already. With more than 20 entries and a "fake" poll thing going on, it's just getting a little out of hand.

In other news, there seems to be some sort of a gang competition thing going on run amongst the CW gang community. It is said to be much like the gang competition seen in the old version of CW, this should be very interesting. Gangs wanting to compete should mail {DD}Ozy about the details, he and other gang owners are putting it together.

Really not too much else is going on, constant rants and raves against stupidity in chat, and disses and throw-downs in the forums. Maybe the next month will bring some more exciting news! Hope you had a nice read!

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Re: ~NCW News 2/28/10~

Postby Legendary Hat on Mon, 01 Mar 2010 00:43:32 +0000

Decent... I would do things differently. The drama is what keeps most people interested. There has been some going on with the complaints of the DD/BAD friendly wars. To make the news more interesting, I would've gone into more depth about such. I also would've tried to get some info from safetyrazor, as it would appear he was the first to max IQ. But it's your thing, not mine. See ya next month :P
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Re: ~NCW News 2/28/10~

Postby TeddyMiru on Mon, 01 Mar 2010 01:00:11 +0000

Well technically Maggie Me was the first to get 500IQ but that was pretty much undercover and i do agree with you I've just been busy with my grandma being ill to get much reporting, but i'm pretty much back for this month. Thanks for the constructive criticism.
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Re: ~NCW News 2/28/10~

Postby Ozy {DD} on Mon, 01 Mar 2010 12:10:49 +0000

Thanks for the News, and hope your grandma will get well soon!

{DD}Smuggs wrote:In other news, there seems to be some sort of a gang competition thing going on run amongst the CW gang community. It is said to be much like the gang competition seen in the old version of CW, this should be very interesting. Gangs wanting to compete should mail {DD}Ozy about the details, he and other gang owners are putting it together.

That's news for me .. .. .. I think you are talking about Fuzz :D

The "DD/BAD friendly wars" (complaints) is pure Jealousy, nothing else, so no real need to trash Smuggs News with it !
Ozy {DD}
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Re: ~NCW News 2/28/10~

Postby Confuzzed on Thu, 11 Mar 2010 18:41:38 +0000

{DD}Smuggs wrote:In other news, there seems to be some sort of a gang competition thing going on run amongst the CW gang community. It is said to be much like the gang competition seen in the old version of CW, this should be very interesting. Gangs wanting to compete should mail {DD}Ozy about the details, he and other gang owners are putting it together.

U gotta mail me, but i think this idea has gone with the wind :(
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Re: ~NCW News 2/28/10~

Postby Rusty on Sun, 28 Mar 2010 18:49:59 +0000

One month on, any new news?
Annoyed that I locked your thread? Have I unfairly deleted your post? If you are sure that you didn't just forget to push the submit button, please see my rules to check you didn't break any of them! If you are still unhappy, please mail me (I like mail :)).
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