Alright so Smuggs is gone. Well for abusing powers...
Myk enters into the top ten and is set on holding a position in the top ten.
Congrats Myk.
The new update to the stats page.
There is now a Graphical User interface looking type of display now.
Users view the stats in larger numbers and with pictures of the respective computer parts to the left of the score.
Your regular scores are at the bottom of the page. To view transfers, and hack logs you need to click the respective tabs in between your stats and scores. You can also view your notepad. Which has been wiped and is now a clean slate.
Alright this was a quick news set. I will add more once my Calculus HW is done.
Thank you for listening to the neoCW news
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news will be posted every 2 weeks. or bi-monthly which ever comes first.