looking for a future

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looking for a future

Postby Zcon on Fri, 04 Jun 2010 10:38:06 +0000

ok , every one tell me how we can go forward. good or bad. I have read most of the stuff in the forum. but you guys been there and have done it guide me to make a better CW
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Re: looking for a future

Postby michaelarby on Fri, 04 Jun 2010 11:21:41 +0000

main issues are finding a way to remove cash from the economy to reduce/remove inflation- there have been many suggestions for this but they all seem to have faults or issues that cause other problems.

secondly, there need to be adjustments made so that new players dont get stuck way behind older established players- ie so that the top 100 wont always remain the top 100 simply because they've been here longest.
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Re: looking for a future

Postby Myckaal on Fri, 04 Jun 2010 19:47:20 +0000

secondly, there need to be adjustments made so that new players dont get stuck way behind older established players- ie so that the top 100 wont always remain the top 100 simply because they've been here longest.

Actually, That's what the top 100 should be, the top players. They compete for their rank every day. Believe me, any slacking and the slipping starts. I've suggested a "degradation of stats" effect or a hardware repair system. As it stands, your computer never needs updating, just added on to. Nothing ever permanently damages anything. Hackers mucking about in your system isn't going to end up breaking or wearing out some of your parts?

Have a cumulative percentage for you to sustain computer damage while battling. A small one, like a .5% chance. The more battles you do, the more likely it is that you will have to fix something inside your machine, rather than just booting up your apparently useless firewall. Hit the percentage and a message comes up "you have sustained battle damage", and you lose 5 points per level (the bigger you are, the more there is to break.) Perhaps have the same idea applied to equipment, as well ....
All reality is subjective
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Re: looking for a future

Postby Zcon on Sat, 05 Jun 2010 08:55:55 +0000

thanks gyus keep them coming in
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Re: looking for a future

Postby michaelarby on Sat, 05 Jun 2010 10:17:15 +0000

Qhaos {1} wrote:
Actually, That's what the top 100 should be, the top players.

yeah but in order to keep the game appealing to new players the top 100 should consist of the best players- but not necessarily the oldest players. of course there will always be a direct link between the two, but it shouldnt get to the point where new players have absolutely no hope of ever catching up.
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